Apple Watch SE 2022 44mm is a smartwatch with advanced features and a sleek design. It has a 1.78-inch Retina LTPO OLED display with a resolution of 448 x 368 pixels and a pixel density of 326 ppi. The display is protected by Ion-X strengthened glass and can reach a peak brightness of 1000 nits. The watch runs on watchOS 9.0 and is powered by the Apple S8 chipset with a dual-core CPU. It has a range of sensors, including an accelerometer, gyroscope, heart rate monitor (2nd gen), barometer, always-on altimeter, and compass. You can track your workouts, measure your blood oxygen level, and get alerts for high or low heart rate. The watch has innovative safety features such as Crash Detection and Fall Detection that can automatically connect you with emergency services in the event of a severe car crash or a hard fall. And Emergency SOS provides urgent assistance with the press of a button. The watch has advanced health features such as temperature sensing that provides deep insights into women’s health. It also has a cycle tracking feature that helps you track your menstrual cycle and fertility. The watch has a non-removable Li-Ion 296 mAh battery that supports wireless charging and lasts up to 18 hours on a single charge.
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